maintain the status-quo|maintain the status quo in English

keep the usual, maintain the current situatio

Use "maintain the status-quo|maintain the status quo" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "maintain the status-quo|maintain the status quo" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "maintain the status-quo|maintain the status quo", or refer to the context using the word "maintain the status-quo|maintain the status quo" in the English Dictionary.

1. He emphasized the need to maintain the status quo.

2. conservatives who want to maintain the status quo.

3. Certain people always want to maintain the status quo.

4. Instead they play it safe, avoiding risks and trying to maintain the status quo.

5. Alternatives (A) Maintain the status quo (i.e. continue to offset all recoveries against future regular assessments).

6. Will the West use its influence to maintain the status quo and not disrupt the flow of oil?

7. He was dissatisfied with the status quo.

8. Wilson was strangled by the status quo.

9. In the early 1970s, the Afro was the haircut of black people that white people who wanted to maintain the status quo feared

10. The status quo defies the intent of these agreements.

11. True reconciliation, however, means anything but maintaining the status quo.

12. 14 An incumbent by definition is the status quo.

13. The Act contained provisions designed to preserve the status quo.

14. " Everything we do, we believe in challenging the status quo.

15. Questioning the status quo carries the danger of ostracism, possibly persecution.

16. They wanted a return to the status quo before the war.

17. Coathanger conservatives also think the status quo has got to go

18. They have no wish for any change in the status quo.

19. Anarchs are vampires who reject the status quo of vampire society

20. They have, almost as a birthright, a restless dissatisfaction with the status quo.

21. Don't act like you're suddenly a fan of the status quo, okay?

22. Proposal 1 (Status Quo): advantages and disadvantages, financial and legal implications

23. This addition does not change the status quo and corrects an omission.

24. Fighting all comers, Ali took on the law, conventions, the status quo and the

25. In comparison to the status quo option B presents clear advantages and no disadvantage.